Contact Us
Contact the Coradorables team by email, phone or the form below: | +1.808.782.4267
Wholesale Inquiry

Where is your clothing made?
We work with a few different factories in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Are any of your products made in the USA?
All our clothing collections are made and designed in Honolulu, Hawaii.
We uphold high standards in outstanding product quality and responsible labor laws for all our manufacturing partners.
How do you decide what factories to work with?
The issues of social responsibility and fair trade are very near to our hearts, and we discuss them with each of our vendors on an ongoing basis. We are careful to work only with reputable manufacturers who follow our high standards of good working conditions and no child/slave labor. These requirements are documented and reviewed regularly, and we have no tolerance for anything unlawful or even the slightest bit questionable.
How long have you worked with these factories?
One of the factories that produce Coradorables clothing have been our partners for nearly a decade. We have built financially sound, long-term, sustainable relationships with them to the point that we’ve even gotten to know their families personally.
How do you make sure the people who actually sew Coradorables clothing are treated fairly, ethically and responsibly?
We literally live right down the street and visit our factories often and walk around the grounds to see with our own eyes what the conditions are and how the workers are being treated.
Of course, we can’t be in every factory all the time, so we are incredibly diligent to ensure that our partners around the globe follow the highest possible standards. We have local agents in each factory who are an extension of our Coradorables family. They are our eyes and ears and manage the day-to-day happenings in each factory.
Are you Fair Trade USA certified?
We do not have official certification from Fair Trade USA, however, we do have a Fair Trade act with all of our manufacturing partners. Each factory must sign a Workplace Code of Conduct contract that outlines fair employment practices, facilities safety guidelines and compliance assurance methods.

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